DOMTKBE PlüSch-Kaninchen Zum Hochziehen, Kreativer Lustiges Ultraweicher PlüSch-HäSchen-SchlüSselanhäNger, 12 Zoll GroßEs Interaktives Stofftier Mit Austauschbaren Ohren Und Beinen (09)
Dynamic Dual-Position Design: Featuring adjustable ears and limbs that transform between two stylish poses, this Pull up Rabbit Plush Toy adds whimsical personality to any space Switchable ears and legs: Customize the bunny's look by stretch and extend the bunny's ears and legs for endless fun and sensory play Ultra-soft Stuffed Bunny: Made of plush material, safe for kids to cuddle or play Lightweight Portable: This multi-functional plush doubles as a decorative keychain for purses, travel bags, or car interiors. The convertible design brings dynamic visual interest to everyday essentials Switchable ears and legs: Customize the bunny's look by stretch and extend the bunny's ears and legs for endless fun and sensory play, Hersteller: DOMTKBE
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