IhLux Katze Kuscheltier 25 cm, Plüschtier Flauschiges, Kawaii Flauschiges Plüschtier Weiche Plüsch Katze, Schmusetier Für Kuscheltierliebhaber, Süßes Katze Spielzeug Geschenk Für Kinder

I am sure: Jeder weiche Plüsch besteht aus ultra-hochwertiger und kinderfreundlicher elastischer Baumwolle, As I have a soft plush material, it is skin-friendly and safe. Filled with PP cotton, good resilience. Smooth and soft body, I believe you will like to hug me, but please do not ride me. Visual attraction: these cushion plush toys have a direct visual appeal. Coupled with a cute and realistic appearance, they become an excellent tactile early math resource. A variety of animal shapes can meet the needs of children. Realistic Decoration:If you don't have a real pet cat in your house, cat cuddly toys are the perfect replacement. Even pets will like it more. Cat plush toys offer you a real pet experience! Bring fun: Diese entzückende analoge Katzenpuppe kann Ihnen Trost, Gesellschaft und Spaß bringen. Das niedliche Bild der Katze Plüschtier kann jedes Mädchen das Herz schmelzen und niemand kann widerstehen! Exquisite gifts: Cat cuddly toys are suitable gifts for children of all ages and can also be used as pillows or toys. For general lovers of super soft plush toys, the plush toy gift from the heart is eternal., Hersteller: IhLux
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