YAKUMO by Mig Jimenez Limited Edition - engl.
Versand: 3,50 €
Mig Jiménez's latest book is finally here, and it's been worth the wait. In this practical modelling guide, Mig takes you on a detailed journey through painting and weathering WWII German vehicles using a simple and efficient method that yields highly realistic results. Mig's techniques are not only effective but also designed to inject a sense of enjoyment and excitement into the painting process. By streamlining the techniques, Mig ensures that modellers of all levels, including beginners, can achieve spectacular and lifelike results with ease. And with the help of Yakumo, an exclusive weathering line developed by Mig Jimenez in collaboration with the renowned Japanese brand Mr. Hobby, these techniques are more accessible than ever. In this book, you'll learn how to recreate German vehicles with any camouflage pattern, whether it's the snowy landscapes of winter or the arid sands of the desert. But the beauty of Mig's techniques lies in their versatility—they can be applied to any military vehicle from any era, opening up a world of possibilities for modellers. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, Mig Jiménez's book promises to be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to take their modelling skills to the next level. So dive in, unleash your creativity, and watch as your models come to life with breathtaking realism. Yakumo represents a new era in modelling, offering a weathering product for each step of the painting process. In a market inundated with countless options and complex alternatives, Mr. Hobby and AMMO have joined forces to provide modellers with a streamlined solution for weathering models. Yakumo embodies tradition, simplicity, and quality, allowing modellers to enjoy the painting process without cumbersome steps or time-consuming processes. With just a few basic steps, modellers can achieve stunningly realistic results, even without prior experience. Mr. Hobby's commitment to quality, combined with Mig Jiménez's expertise in product development and technique, has resulted in a truly groundbreaking experience for modellers of all skill Levels.