Hal Leonard First 50 gospel songs you should play on piano Notenbuch

Versand: 3,90 €
Diese Ausgabe aus der "First 50" Serie enthält 50 Golpels die leicht Arrangiert sind, perfekt für Anfänger und Wiedereinsteiger. Inhalt: 1. Because He Lives 2. Bind Us Together 3. Bless his holy name 4. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power 5. Broken And Spilled Out 6. Church in the Wildwood 7. Down At The Cross (Glory To His Name) 8. Give Me That Old Time Religion 9. He Looked Beyond My Fault And Saw My Need 10. He Touched Me 11. He's Got The Whole World In HIs Hands 12. His Eye Is on the Sparrow 13. His Name Is Wonderful 14. Holy Ground 15. How great Thou art 16. I Believe 17. I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy 18. I Saw The Light 19. I Will Serve Thee 20. I'D Rather Have Jesus 21. I'll Fly Away 22. In the Garden 23. Just a Closer Walk With Thee 24. The King Is Coming 25. Learning To Lean 26. The Longer I Serve Him 27. Mansion Over The Hilltop 28. Midnight Cry 29. My tribute 30. The Old Rugged Cross 31. Precious Lord, Take My Hand (Take My Hand, Precious Lord) 32. Precious Memories 33. · Notenbuch
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