Route East Board Game

TRAVEL ADVENTURE BOARD GAME: Race from Istanbul to Shanghai in an action-packed board game filled with intensives gaming dillemas, strategy, and co-player venettas ROUTE EAST KOMBINES STRATEGY WITH CLASSIC RACER: Get from Instanbul to Shanghai as quickly as you can, while trying to balance collecting kraftstoff and choosing how to spend your money along the way. ⭐ Discover New Travel Miets: Erkunden Sie neue und weniger bekannte Mietwohnungen als Sie reisen durch 17 Länder und besuchen Sie über 30 stunning Attraktionen auf dem Weg. KOMPETTE WITH YOUR TEAMATES: Sammeln Sie Action Cards to mess with your competitors' plans, slow them down and steal their fuel and money. MANAGE YOUR RESOURCES: You'll need to collect fuel along the way to cross borders, and visit banks to ensure you don't run out of money! FAST AND EINFACH ZU LEARN: The basics of route East can be learned in under 20 minutes and enjoyed time and time again. HAND DRAWN MAP ON HIGH QUALITY STOCK: Linen finish through, high quality lamination and a beautiful game to have on your shelf 1️ ️ 7️ ️ % FUNDED ON KICKSTARTER: The Travel Adventure Board Game of 2022!, Hersteller: Lost Venture Games
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