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Vampire TM RPG Cults of The Blood Gods

Vampire TM RPG Cults of The Blood Gods von Renegade Game Studios
53,32 €
Farbe: Multicolor
Versand: 3,00 €
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An in-character breakdown of the rise of esoteric beliefs among theranks of the undead and how faith drives many of the major aspects of vampire culture. A host of religions — from historic theocracies and globe-spanning conspiracies to fringe cults and mortal beliefs arising in the modernnights — introduced for incorporation into your character backgrounds or as supporting casts and antagonist groups in your chronicles. The history, structure, and ambitions of the Hecata, the vampire group known as the Clan of Death, as well as a chapter dedicated to playing a vampire among the Necromancers, and the rituals for their signature Discipline: Oblivion. Guidance on how to use ecclesiastical horror and construct cults in Vampire, making them a vivid backdrop for your own stories, including new coterie styles focused on cult play. Faith-based story hooks and a full chronicle centered on the activities of the Hecata, involving walking corpses, ghosts, ready-made characters, and the secrets of the most twisted family in the World of Darkness., Hersteller: Renegade

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