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20th Century Japanese Stories

20th Century Japanese Stories von Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
17,99 €
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gefunden bei Thalia
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Perfect for upper beginner students of Japanese. This affordable Japanese history reader contains three essays on Japanese people who made a world-wide impact during the 20th century. Well, two people and a dog. Learn how one man revolutionized food, how Akira Kurosawa impacted movies, and how a dog taught the world the meaning of loyalty.* The Loyal Dog, Hachiko* The Japanese Man who Invented Instant Ramen* Kurosawa of the WorldGet FREE Sound Files of the stories read by a native Japanese speaker. Listen while reading. The link to the MP3s is found within. Each story has two MP3 versions: Read Slowly & Normal SpeedRead--in Japanese--about loyalty in the dog, Hachiko, about how revolutionary Instant Ramen was and is, and finally, learn all about the greatest Japanese film director of the 20th century. Yes, you can read real Japanese--even if you are fairly new to Japanese.FEATURES: * All Japanese have furigana those starting out with kanji.* Every sentence is broken down word-for-word and with explanation of the grammar.* The full story in Japanese only (without the running gloss) is also provided so you can practice reading without interruption.* Kanji in Focus covers the key kanji found in each essay* Finally, we have included a simple and mostly literal English translation for you to check your understanding (Don't cheat! Work through the Japanese first!).* Download the FREE MP3s to listen while you study. Includes both normal speed and slow speed readings.While beginners to Japanese can get a lot from this, hiragana knowledge is required.Finally, we invite the reader to contact us with questions or requests for future Japanese readers. You will find our personal email addresses in the book. To your Japanese!

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