Alice muNyika yeMashiripiti

Lewis Carroll izita rokunyora raishandiswa naCharles Lutwidge Dodgson, mudzidzisi weMasvomhu pakoreji yeChrist Church paOxford. Dodgson akatanga kunyora rungano rwuno musi wa4 Chikunguru mugore ra1864 apo akatanga rwendo neigwa murwizi rweThames rwuri muOxford, achifamba naMufundisi Robinson Duckworth nevana vanoti Alice Liddel uyo aiva nemakore gumi okuberekwa zvakare ari mwana weMukuru weChrist Church, mukoma wake Lorina aiva nemakore gumi nematatu uye munin'ina wake Edith aiva nemakore masere. Sezvatinoona panhetembo iri kwekutanga kwebhuku, vasikana vatatu ava vakakumbira Dodgson kuti avaitire rungano. Saka achikokoma kwekutanga,akatanga kutaura rungano urwu semanyorerwo arwakaita pakutangatanga. Apo neapo panodimikirwa nezvavo vari vashanu mubhuku rose zvaro iro rakazodhindiswa muna 1865. Bhuku rino ndiro nhurikirwa yokutanga ya'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' mumutauro weShona chero zvaro riri bhuku rinozikanwa muzvikoro zvizhinji zvemuZimbabwe riri muChirungu. ChiShona mutauro unotaurwa navanhu vangangosvika zvikamu makumi masere kubva muzana (80%) munyika yeZimbabwe. Unoyambukirawo kuMozambiki neBotswana uko kwaunotaurwa nevanhu vane chitsama. Pamitauro yechitema inosvika gumi nemina muZimbabwe, ChiShona ndiwo mutauro wakanyanyovandudzwa, wave nemaduramazwi uye madudziramutauro zvose zviri mumutauro weShona. Mutauro uyu uri kusimudzirwa nevatsvagurudzi vakazvimiririra, muzinda wetsvakurudzo dzemitauro yevatema uyo uri paUniversity yeZimbabwe (African Languages Research Institute-ALRI) neSangano roMutauro neTsika dzavaShona (Shona Language and Culture Association-SLCA). Saka mutauro weChiShona mutauro uri kukura zvakanyanya zvakare zvinyorwaturikirwa zvakaita sa'Alice muNyika yeMashiripiti' zvinobatsira kukudza dura rehunyorwa hwawo. Nokuda kwevandudzo iyi ChiShona chinoshandiswawo mune zvedzidzo zvematanho epasi, mumatare edzimhosva, uchiturikira Chirungu, mushambadzo dzedzidziso nedzezvekutengeserana nezvimwewo zvinokosheswa muZimbabwe. --- Lewis Carroll is a pen-name: Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was the author's real name and he was lecturer in Mathematics in Christ Church, Oxford. Dodgson began the story on 4 July 1862, when he took a journey in a rowing boat on the river Thames in Oxford together with the Reverend Robinson Duckworth, with Alice Liddell (ten years of age) the daughter of the Dean of Christ Church, and with her two sisters, Lorina (thirteen years of age), and Edith (eight years of age). As is clear from the poem at the beginning of the book, the three girls asked Dodgson for a story and reluctantly at first he began to tell the first version of the story to them. There are many half-hidden references are made to the five of them throughout the text of the book itself, which was published finally in 1865. The Shona language is also a cross-border language in the neighbouring countries of Botswana and Mozambique where it is spoken by sizeable numbers. Of Zimbabwe's 14 indigenous languages, Shona is the most developed with a rich literary heritage in the form of general and specialized monolingual dictionaries, grammars and various literary texts. Shona benefits from efforts by independent researchers, work by organizations like the African Languages Research Institute (ALRI) and Shona Language and Culture Association (SLCA). As a result it is a language that is fast developing when compared to other Zimbabwean indigenous languages. Due to these developments, Shona is now used in some major domains of language use such as medium of instruction at lower levels of education, in the judiciary (in translation should the defendant or plaintiff wish to use Shona and for commercial advertisements. Translations like 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' into Shona help boost the Shona language's literary heri
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