Black Chantry Productions Vampire The Eternal Struggle 5th Edition Lasombra | Preconstructed Deck | Card Game

Clan Lasombra excels in dominance and control, using their unique abilities to manipulate others, dominate foes, and ensure their survival by any means necessary. With Dominate and Oblivion at their disposal, Lasombra vampires manipulate minds and obscure their true intentions, becoming nearly unstoppable in their pursuit of power. Eschewing morality and sympathy, Lasombra thrives in the darkness, where strength is found in ruthless ambition and the ability to overcome even the most daunting odds. This deck comes with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, offering a ready-to-play experience or the flexibility to customize your strategy with additional Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards. Ideal for players who love complex strategies, this deck allows you to outwit opponents, control the battlefield, and secure your place at the pinnacle of power., Hersteller: Black Chantry Productions
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