This fully annotated Latin edition, by Daniel H. Garrison, of Horace's Epodes, Odes, and Carmen Saeculare is the first comprehensive English commentary on these works since 1903. The full text of the Epodes is included and placed before the Odes, as it was originally written and published. Garrison offers help with meter, vocabulary, and difficult points of grammar. For advanced students, he place Horace against the background of archaic and Hellenistic Greek poetry, demonstrates the poet's debt to Catullus, and illuminates Horace's relation to his contemporaries, particularly Virgil. Biographical information and a discussion of Horace's literary persona expand our view of the poet and his works. Appendices on meter, persons mentioned in the poems, and technical terminology provide what readers end to understand topical and mythological references, rhetorical conventions, and poetic artistry.