Interaktion im kamerunischen Deutschunterricht. Bewältigung von Lernschwierigkeiten

Doktorarbeit / Dissertation aus dem Jahr 2016 im Fachbereich Didaktik - Deutsch - Deutsch als Fremdsprache, Note: 15,5, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die vorliegende Dissertation versteht sich als Beitrag zur Erforschung des Fremdsprachenerwerbs im institutionellen Kontext. Sie lehnt sich an eine theoretische und empirische Analyse der Beziehung von Interaktion und Fremdsprachenerwerb an, rückt daher die unterrichtliche Wirklichkeit in den Mittelpunkt und versucht, die Lücken der Erforschung des Erwerbs von Grammatik, Wortschatz und dem Training von Übersetzung zu schließen. Die Arbeit gibt Lehrenden ein wirksames Instrument in die Hand, mit dessen Hilfe sie ihre Praxis und die für deren Erfolg erforderliche soziale Interaktion zum Positiven verändern könnten. This research work is entitled ¿Interaction during German language lessons in Cameroon: addressing learning difficulties¿ Its prime objective is to investigate the influence of classroom interaction on the learning of German as a foreign language and equally on understanding grammatical structures, vocabulary and the ability to translate. The second objective consists in elaborating a series of behaviours to be adopted by the teacher to improve learning. The knowledge of the impact of classroom interaction in learning German is my research motivating factor. To meet-up with the objectives, the study simultaneously used these research techniques; observation and video-recording of thirty six German language lessons in four Government High Schools. According to analysis from the data initially transcribed and based on the sociocultural theory of interaction, it shows that (1) classroom interaction has a positive impact in acquiring the grammar, vocabulary and the ability to translate; (2) the German lesson in Cameroon illustrates the didactic model of groups, whereby the teacher makes all the learners to participate in finding solutions to learning difficulties manifested by a learner. Most often, it is observed that a learner, different from the one showing signs of learning difficulties instigates interaction, corrects the mistake and ratifies the solution; (3) group work, as a social form of learning is seldom initiated by teachers. This is as a result of the high number of students on roll and class configuration, together with the time allocated for each period, the organisation of group work seems difficult; the possible outcome is that (4) the teacher monopolises discourse. [...]
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