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Peace Education. Ideas for a Postmodern Pedagogy

von GRIN
Peace Education. Ideas for a Postmodern Pedagogy von GRIN
52,95 €
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Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Der Lehrer / Pädagoge, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: The worldwide peace demonstrations with millions of participants around the turn of millennium show the desire of a large part of humanity for peace. The activity of hundreds of thousands of young people for peace in Germany is a new phenomenon that can be interpreted in part as a result of decades of peace education in parental homes , kindergartens , schools and colleges. There are voices that recognize Europe as a phalanx , as the spearhead of global peace. It seems to have been an increase in empathy, which also led to the abolition of slavery , to strengthen women 's and children's rights, democracy and the welfare state. The peoples of Europe , including Germany , France, Spain, England, Austria and Russia, which for centuries had war against each other have now met the peace for 65 years . For Steven PINKER war and violence in politics and society overall are on the decline. Never before in the history of mankind violence, murder and war have played such a small role as in our present. Despite 's First and Second World War with its unimaginable suffering of the millions of victims of war , the Holocaust , the atomic bomb victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , despite the civil war in Yugoslavia , the war in Iraq, Afghanistan , civil war in Syria PINKER believes in a global reduction of violence and war . He discovered an evolutionary progress of humanity for the better. Never the globe has been populated by so many people like in the presence. Never have there been so many democratic states full of tranquility , where as today . The focus of the mass media is always focused on violence and military focal points , which gives the impression , as burn the world in countless venues. The opposite is true . Never before trade and commerce , prosperity and peace have been as common as in the presence of 21th Century). The time of the hitherto so -called ' Cold War ' between capitalism and communism since the end of World War II until 1989 has been designated in 'Long Peace' . After the end of the East -West conflict since 1989 arose the 'New Peace', as characterized by PINKER . Empathy , reason and self-control act as blockades of violence and war cries . Empathy , reason and self-control steer human evolution as the better angels of our nature to the increase of human rights and peacefulness . Pacifism and altruism as guiding principles of a peace education could be transported through the emphasis on empathy , reason, self-control and charity.

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