Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review- A Dual Beginner Spanish Grammar Book
Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review for Beginners is a Spanish Grammar book, fully translated from Spanish to English including over three hundred examples, also fully translated. In Spanish Grammar & Vocabulary Review for Beginners, you will find three sections: Chapter 1A, Chapter 1B, and Chapter 1C. All three chapters include images, dialogues, and readings to complement your self-study. Teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language may find this book highly resourceful when requiring easy explanations, as well as examples to work with. We have included a contents section with topics and corresponding page numbers at the beginning of each chapter in this book; therefore, you may use it as a reference book with examples for each subject, as well as a means to review what you have already studied, yet continues to bring up questions. Nevertheless, if you are a first time student of Spanish, then this is the book for you. Iris Acevedo A. Author/founder