The Five Principles of Educator Professionalism
It's a tough question. One that our confrontational, device-obsessed society struggles to answer. The requirements of the job continue to grow. And the stakes--no less than our country's future--continue to climb. With faith in our institutions suffering, the margin for error today is razor-thin. Educators, called to partner with parents in raising the next generation, are the servant leaders who will restore that faith. Although the goal of high standards might be simple, our schools are not. Diverse communities demand much from their educators. But common ground still exists in America. Goal number one is an educator workforce that parents can TRUST as partners. In The Five Principles of Educator Professionalism, we define this elusive concept by looking in the mirror. We are the common ground that America so desperately seeks. Making a daily commitment to serving every member of our school community will lead to a stronger culture built on TRUST. Each letter of the word reminds us of the most important, and most urgent, aspects of our work: Teaching and learning always come first. Remain vigilant to safety concerns. Understand the power of communication. Seek balance. Take ownership of our morale. When we commit to this framework, we minimize the unforced errors that can so easily damage a school community. Through a commitment to these five principles of educator professionalism, we can and will rebuild TRUST in our schools.